The BIG haircut

Last week whilst Jethro was busy doing an exercise with his fringe hanging his eyes, I decided that is as much as I can take and the decision was made to cut his hair.  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE his long hair but the hair in the eyes just got too much for me and I thought we could make it a yearly tradition, that way his hair could grow long again up until the point where it gets too messy.

I initially only wanted to cut a little bit as I'm usually a bit overeager in my hair cutting attempts (Tony and Jethro can both vouch for that :) ).  A fringe was cut and I was careful to try and round it in with the longer hair as I was thinking that a straight cut fringe will be a bit like a girls hair.  It looked very nice and we decided to leave our barbery for the day until Tony gets home to give his opinion.

Tony home, likes hair!!  But Jethro wanted his hair shorter "like Grandies"  and then "as short as Daddy's!".  So, on Spring day (Thursday the 1st of September 2011), we cut off my son's beautiful locks.  It was quite a thing for me as I looked at this little, big-eyed stranger staring back at me.  Whoah!!  I wonder what he thought??  Nevertheless, we both loved it and I kept on asking where Jethro was and he kept on telling me that he was right there :)  It reminds me of when I tell him that I am going to put a brick on his head to keep him from growing so fast!  He always told me quite seriously that I should not put a brick on his head as this will hurt him.  Now he happily plays along and says I don't have to put a brick on his head and that even when he is big, he will always be my Jethro.  *A mother's heart melts!!*

We gladly went about our weekly routine with new haircut in tow and most of the wonderful people that I know made quite a fuss about his hair :)  That's not to say that people did not love his long hair.  I know a lot of people loved his hair, even one of his friends, commented on how cool Jethro's hair looks.  Some people said he looked like a real surfer.

And as always we had some negative comments about his hair.  Most was about him looking like a girl.  He would look like a boy, dress like a boy, play with a soccer ball and a car and people would make underhanded comments.  The worst one was when an outspoken woman in Pick 'n Pay started up a conversation good-naturedly and then turned it around attacking Jethro's long hair!!  Her:  "Is he a boy or a girl?"  Me:  "He is a boy!"  Her:  "Oh, well are you a boy or a girl?" (I have long hair).  I was so shocked, I can't even remember if I just stood there with a gaping mouth or if I said something nice and moved along.  And just by the way, she had short hair!!

But without further ado, I present in the picture below, JETHRO.  With short hair or long hair, he is an amazing, incredible, intelligent, little person with a humongous or as he would say,  a flamingoes heart of gold.  And I love him and will do anything for him!  You knock 'em down Champ!!


sanìa lemmer said…
Awwwww, such a moving story my friend.
Shaz said…
thanks my friend! Hope you have a good week. And good hair cutting days. xxthanks my friend! Hope you have a good week. And good hair cutting days. xx
Michelle said…
Hy is n baie "handsome" seuntjie, met kort of lang hare:)
Shaz said…
Dankie Mich! Lief vir julle! xx

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