Malawian Mission Trip - Day 4
We are on our way to Lemson's church, our hosting church, Winning Ways Worship Center. When we arrive, the worship is in full swing. Tony and myself don't hang around too long, as we had prepared a lesson for the Sunday school kids. We leave the church during worship with a string of kids following us out to a volleyball court outside.
We play duck, duck goose with the children as an icebreaker - there are probably around thirty kids or so. After the games we proceed to explain the gospel to these little ones using a hard-boiled egg and Varista and George translates for us into Chichewa.
We talk about sin and the children give examples of sin. I write all their examples onto the shell of the egg with a crayon (the egg represents us) and ask the children if the sin makes the egg clean or dirty. They replied, dirty. I explained that when Jesus died for us, and He died for every person on this planet, and we say, yes, we believe that You died for us, Jesus, and that You are the Son of God, and that your blood washes me clean of sin, then we will be saved and we will have eternal life. I showed them how Jesus washes us clean by peeling the dirty eggshell off the egg, and we were left with the beautiful pure white egg. I tried then to write some sin on the egg with the crayon but it didn't want to stick on the egg. I explained that we are always saved and that no sin can stick to us anymore. Jesus has died for every sin we committed and every sin we are going to commit! But we must not purposely choose to sin and we must do our best to follow Jesus' example.
We asked if anyone wanted to give their heart to Jesus and a couple of little hands went up. We prayed a salvation prayer with these little ones. To celebrate with the angels in heaven, we handed out sweeties and painted their faces. The boys are lions for Jesus and the girls are princesses for Jesus.
We also did a balloon experiment with them. To show how you can blow up a balloon with vinegar and bicarbonate. We explained that we are the balloon and Jesus is the bicarb and when we add Jesus to the sourness in our life (the vinegar), He will fill us up with His love, nice and big, for everyone to see.
It was a fun filled day. Even when we got back to the house, we carried on playing games with the kids. We played some more duck-duck-goose, and vrot eier (which translates to rotten egg, similar to "I wrote a letter to my love" ). Tony also taught the boys how to play French cricket.
For ALL have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.
Romans 3:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 6:23
Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
Romans 10:13