Another alternative route to Moorreesburg

About three weeks ago, I suggested to Grego that we do a day trip to Moorreesburg. He was keen, so we started discussing and planning routes. Soon, there was a thread going on the Wilddogs forum. Most of the guys plan rides for Sunday mornings. I prefer to make church a priority, and luckily we live in Cape Town where (in summer) it only starts getting dark after about 7pm! Grego and I decided to meet at 11h30 at the usual spot – the Richwood Total garage. We let everyone else (on the Wilddogs forum) know that we’ll be leaving later if anyone would like to join us. A couple of guys put their names down under the “late sleeperzzzzzzz” section. After church on Sunday morning, I was rearing to go, so I hop on the bike and shoot over to Richwood garage to wait for the rest. I was busy checking and adjusting the pressure in my tyres when Grego pulls in. It’s not long before we were both ready, and waiting for the rest. Nobody comes... A quick phone call to some people who I had telephon...