We bake

On Friday, after doing our weekly Friday lesson on God made the world and me, we decided to make some rainy day biscuits as it was... a rainy day. We whip out Mrs Lawson and flip through to her rainy day biscuits recipe and start checking our ingredients. We have to go to the shops for ground almonds and icing sugar. So, off we go to Spar but hobsmock and gollybonkers, they are out of Icing sugar. That's a first for me!! Are we back in the dark ages. Okay, well off we go to Pick 'n Pay (the BIG one) and guess what?? Yes, no icing sugar! What is happening? Anywho, we decided to give the icing sugar hunt a break as a merchandiser told us that it's a supplier problem! So, back home with ground almonds and no icing sugar. Jethro and myself make cookie dough and we have a jolly good time doing it! The first time ever that I enjoy, actually have a smile on my face, making some type of dough. Usually it's such a horrib...