Any 5 year olds in the house? Please stand up!

And finally the big day arrived. The day our first baby turns 5! Cupcakes were baked and presents were wrapped. Now we just have to wait for Mister to wake up... last year when we woke him up with cupcakes and singing we were told in a cross voice: "Mom and Dad, I'm still sleeping!" So, this time we wait :) And so the man of the hour arises, with a big smile on his face, informing me that he is five now! And so he is! Happy birthday Jethro!! Our incredible, amazing, courageous, sporty boy! We love you so much, as much as to the moon and back! We love you more than ice cream with sprinkles, with a fireball! You are our super duper super hero! And we are so proud to be your mommy and daddy! So, cupcakes were eaten, presents unwrapped. Jethro stumbled upon his gift in my cupboard a couple of days prior, so the surprise was lacking but he still enjoyed playing with his new Lego and built a magni...